Recent Ruminations

A blog of divorce recovery, teaching, and emergence into "real life."

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Trying Too Hard, Chemistry, and How Things Change

I'm "processing" this week and its misadventures, according to A., and I'm also getting somewhere, in her opinion. I think I still need the benefit of a counselor right now to finally work through the disillusionment, betrayal, and anger from the divorce and find a context for what's happened over the past three years since. But, I think I'm making some discoveries on my own, getting used to what I'm discovering, and fitting it together at least rudimentarily. That's pretty good.

I went on a date Monday, and by Wednesday, I'd told him I couldn't see him again. I've thought so much about this. Yes, I'm outrageously afraid of being vulnerable, and I'm not terribly ready to jump in with both feet. That, I knew, and that's definitely a part of it. I could tell he liked me, and I wasn't quite ready for unequivocal liking so quickly. At the same time, after having had a week to think about it, I don't see that there was much Chemistry there on my half. I wasn't comfortable with him, and as a result, I was forcing myself to Try Too Hard. I thought I should do this, make myself give him a chance. But I didn't feel "it." I need a comfortable person, an attractive man with self-confidence. Comfortable with himself. Relaxed. Calm. Willing to get to know me and "make" me interested in getting to know him. This person was very nice, very gentlemanly -- but also somewhat hyper and frenetic, a big talker who not only produced a volume of words, but at a volume. Reaction? I wanted to shush him. I was exhausted when I went home.

I'm scared, and that's huge... and also, I didn't see this going anywhere.

Would I see him differently if I weren't so scared? That's possible.

But you know, I am starting to give more credence to the viceral reaction to someone. I had an instant visceral reaction to the HL when I met him. I was hysterical about him too, in retrospect, but never enough to shut it down in the early time. I had one with TCMT too, and over time, our incompatibility emerged... but at least, I gave it that time.

So, things are different now. I am different now. I'm not young and idealistic. I am mature with a sense of the potential for relationships, both for good and for ill. I have lost my native innocence, and I have a gun-shyness I didn't have before. The men are different... they are older, more accomplished, and bear their own relationship baggage and/or scars. They've done things. I've done things. Instead of meeting like so many dewy twenty year olds and establishing a life together, the process now is meeting with a sense of who we are and what we're all about and merging lives together. That's something I never tangibly understood before this week. It scares the hell out of me.

But maybe caution isn't all bad, and with my new understanding, perhaps I can begin to manage my fears.


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